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SEO checklist for your website and content

seo checklist
SEO checklist for your website and content
Do you know the most important criterias to rank and how to improve your content to reach the top of the search charts? Check them out here.

Systemic Search Engines Optimisation

SEO and content come hand in hand, like two pair of shoes. If you want to have a successful organic reach, you will need to combine these in a most optimal way, but how? To be able and to guide you in between systemic SEO know-how and a procedural to all marketing entities, find here a small SEO guideline.


1. Keyword Research

Your Content will only attract organic visitors and a positive ROI, if a demand to these subjects and topics truly exists. Therefore it is advised to make a research beforehand, at least if you are targeting a specific segment. This wouldn’t apply or an exception can be made if you are casually blogging or really know your field. Ideally, writing about a topic of interest will genuinely create results for an existing demand. We live in a world, with such a high amount of people, that there will almost always be someone else interest, in case you are going with a specific wish. We here fore a specifically talking about the case where you have something like KPIs (key performance indicators) in the back of your mind or a boss who wants to see results, not to talk about a wife with a big need for fancy jewellery, ups i wrote it. If you want to know exactly on how to do a basic keyword research, check out the following article on “How does successful Keyword Research work“.

In short: make a research about relevant parameter, such as monthly search volume, google CPSs, competitor situations.


2. Search intention for important keywords

For you to satisfy search intention and to set positive signals, you should check out which type of content is the most relevant for the search engine. How and where does the search engine display this kind of content? For example, is it informational or transactional? The higher the CPC is for Google, then the higher the probability for it to be a transactional keyword.

In short: did you analyse and define good keywords? Use good keywords and you will be found.


3. Prioritize search volume, CPC and organic competitors

To estimate your organic reach, not only is the search volume relevant, but also the Google Ads CPC and the competitors situation. There even is a formula to calculate this which goes as “monthly search volume of your keyword multiplied by your CPC divided by the competitive weighting“. Example: 1.000 * 0,50 / small competitor 0,5 = 1000.

In short: how is the data? Do you have a chance? Is it worth it? Or just do it, something is better than nothing.


4. Text lengths

As a rules thumb, if you want to be ranked favorably with the search engines, you will have to tend to a holistic content in contrast to short or even almost empty content. You may even go on and check the content from your competitors and how much input they offer. Check out the actual SERPs top 10 text length which should give you a nice overall estimation. If you really want to know numbers, we could say minimum 600 words, on average 1.500 words, best 2.500 words, but depending on your content, the subject and the competitors, this data may also be faulty, so only take it as a general idea.

In short: do you have high information density?


5. Integration of relevant search terms into the content

Amassing keywords won’t work and is not needed anymore. To create meaningful and added value content, which also works well with the search engines, you will need to include the keywords adequately and in a sensible ways. Talking about cats will not make you rank for the dog keyword.

In short: is your content built around the keywords with added value?


6. Integration of relevant questions into the content

Relevant questions have several advantages, as to these are what users are searching for, the search intention. Also the relevant answering of questions promotes your content and improves the information density of the content, whereas also what may appear in the search question area. Many users nowadays write into the search engine full sentences and also fully written out questions. The algorithm then plays the same as dating platform, as matchmaking.

In short: users write questions into the search engine, therefore the search engine searches for questions on pages.


7. Heading structure including relevant search terms

Heading don’t only facilitate the comprehension for the lecturer, but also helps the search engine to understand how the content is constructed for better processing. “H-Tags” therefore have the meaning of helping the search engine on what is relevant in the article and what it is about, as the main emphasis.

In short: does your content have the necessary H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and paragraphs?


8. Upgrade your content

Lists, pictures, videos, audios, summaries, tables of content, visuals, these are all options you have in your kit to upscale and enrich your content as an extra gain for your customers. Everyone loves it when there is a nice picture and some colours in the text, or at least something which helps our goldfish brains to stay attentive on the content. In addition, an important benchmark for the search engine is for example the user time spent on the page (Time-on-Site). It is kind of understanding, that if a user comes to your page to find an ugly block of text which requires a huge amount of effort to concentrate and to keep on reading. This will get some of us rapidly giving up and leaving the page, as to no wonders why google will demote the page in favor of a content more easily readable.

In short: What would make your customer wanting to stay longer on your page?


9. Image optimisation

Pictures are not only important with their relevancy, but also for the search engines and your website optimisation. For instance, images may also be a lead for traffic, as these can be found through the search. Therefore you will need corresponding alt-tags, naming and descriptions. As the page loading speed is also a ranking criteria, if your image is bigger than necessary, it will make your page load slower. Some types of images are also better adaptable to different situations. For this check out on .png, .jpg and svp advantages and inconveniences.

In short: do all the images, especially the indexed ones, have an Alt-Text and an optimized size and format?


10. WDF*IDF analysis

Search engines sort websites according to their relevancy. If the search engine algorithm thinks the content is relevant, then they will display it, if not then a lot further down the rankings. So as the most relevant content appears in the top 10. In the area of search engine optimisation, we calculate the weight value with the WDF to understand how relevant a webpage is for the search engine. You can check out your score with a WDF IDF tool. Also check out the corresponding Wikipedia Article about Within-document Frequency.

In short: how is your WDF*IDF?


11. Internal linking

The architecture of you website and content should equalise its juice. For this, you will need to link from your content to other content. Also other content should link back to the at hand content. Basically, if a lot of content or pages link to your content, the search engines will rate your content with a higher value. For example, if you are a blogger, your blog article should link to other articles and these therefore should link back. Most obviously, there will be articles which talk about a specific area of your new content for which you can then link to them and vice versa.

In short: did you link your content page to other page and are some also linking back?


12. Page optimisation

In addition to SEO relevance and display appropriate information, the HTML titles and the meta descriptions have an effect on your your click trough rates on the search engine and its search results, the SERPs. It is advised to find a middle ground between relevance and click provocation.

In short: is your content page optimised with HTML-titles and meta descriptions?


13. URL naming

The URL should fit to the content and set a first positive signal about the content. At a glance, the user or visitor should be able to decipher approximately what the page is about. Generic URL as /abcd1234/ are therefore a huge lost opportunity. Looking at the following URL, it is kind of obvious that this is a link to the services from and about the topic of SEO, as search engine optimization.

In short: is your URL corresponding to your content?


14. Tracking

Tracking your content is a way to improve and get data about your customers. There are options such as the Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster, Matomo and other SERP Rank and Monitoring tools. We would advise not to rely too much on these. They are a nice indicator, but also something to go mad about. If you are starting out, then we would definitely advise against them, as you should focus on developing content in opposition to fine tuning. An other counter argument is also that, to fire the adequate script, you will slightly compromise on loading speed, not much, but at the start you will want to have the best possible and only later when you are on the rankings, you may install them.

In short: are you tracking with analytics tools or similar?


15. Content revamp

Search engines prefer content which is regularly optimised, as iterative and continually. It is therefore advised to regularly check your pages and its content to optimise results and user signals. When was the content last updated? Find in your workflow time for a content audit.

In short: can this content be further improved and optimised?


16. User feedback

Share your content with family, friend, network, people you may know and ask for their opinion, how they feel about the content or even what was their impression. Stay open minded. Don’t defend yourself and just take note. What they say, may be something your visitors and users may think. Every input you may receive, is a plus to generate better content and therefore better results with users and search engines. Note, these may give you insights on possible long tails.

In short: how and what is the feedback you receive from others?

This was your SEO checklist for your website and content. Not too sure or you prefer and want a professional opinion, then feel free to contact us. We would love to give you a professional assessment.

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