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E-Commerce Optimisation and Conversion for eShop

For E-Commerce and eShops
eShop and E-Commerce Marketing Consulting

What is E-Commerce?

E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It involves online transactions, electronic data interchange, and electronic funds transfer to execute business transactions. E-commerce has become a significant aspect of the modern economy, allowing businesses to reach a global audience and consumers to conveniently shop from the comfort of their homes.

Key components of e-commerce include:


    1. Online Retailing: The most common form of e-commerce involves businesses selling products directly to consumers through online platforms. Examples include online marketplaces, individual brand websites, and digital storefronts.

    2. Electronic Payments: E-commerce relies on electronic payment methods to facilitate transactions. This includes credit cards, digital wallets, online banking, and other secure payment gateways.

    3. Online Marketplaces: Platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba act as online marketplaces where multiple sellers can list and sell their products to a wide audience.

    4. Mobile Commerce (m-commerce): With the proliferation of smartphones, a significant portion of e-commerce now occurs through mobile devices. Consumers can shop, make payments, and engage in transactions using mobile applications.

    5. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): For business-to-business (B2B) transactions, electronic data interchange allows companies to exchange business documents, such as invoices and purchase orders, in a standardized electronic format.

    6. Supply Chain Management: E-commerce involves the coordination of various processes, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping logistics, often with the help of technology and automation.

    7. Digital Marketing: E-commerce businesses use various digital marketing strategies to attract and engage customers. This includes social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and online advertising.

    8. Security: Due to the sensitive nature of online transactions, security is a crucial aspect of e-commerce. Secure socket layer (SSL) encryption and other security measures help protect customer information and financial data.

      E-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate and consumers shop, offering convenience, accessibility, and a global reach. It continues to evolve with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and blockchain, playing an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of online commerce.
Table of Contents for E-Commerce Optimisation and Conversion for eShops

Various areas of online marketing
come together in E-Commerce

Technical prowess is key to online shop success. A secure, responsive e-commerce platform, efficient inventory management, and analytics tools drive seamless experiences. Security measures like SSL certificates instill trust, while regular updates and scalability ensure sustained performance and growth.

Content strategy is paramount for online success. Crafting engaging, relevant content resonates with audiences, driving traffic and conversions. A well-defined strategy aligns content with brand goals, ensuring consistency and authenticity. Keyword optimization enhances visibility, while diverse content formats cater to varied preferences. Regular updates maintain relevance, and analytics guide ongoing refinements. A strategic content approach fosters audience connection, building trust and loyalty.

SEO is pivotal for diverse search engines. Tailoring strategies to platforms like Google, Bing, and others optimizes visibility. Keyword research and optimization align content with varied search algorithms. Technical SEO aspects, including meta tags and site structure, enhance crawlability. Quality backlinks and social signals contribute to ranking across platforms. Regular audits and adaptations to evolving algorithms maintain search relevance. A multi-faceted SEO approach ensures visibility and performance across different search engines, cultivating a robust online presence.

In the realm of Search Engine Advertising (SEA), tailoring strategies to diverse platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads is essential. Precise keyword selection, compelling ad copy, and strategic bidding optimize visibility and drive conversions. Adapting campaigns to the nuances of each advertising platform ensures effective targeting and maximum reach. Monitoring performance metrics and conducting regular A/B testing refine ad strategies for optimal results. A dynamic SEA approach across various platforms ensures a strong online presence, capturing the attention of potential customers and maximizing the impact of paid advertising efforts.

Affiliate marketing is a catalyst for online success. Crafting strategic partnerships and leveraging affiliates amplify brand reach and drive sales. Offering enticing commission structures incentivizes affiliates, fostering a symbiotic relationship. Clear communication of brand values ensures consistent representation across diverse affiliates. Tracking tools and analytics measure performance, optimizing campaigns for maximum impact. Regular evaluations of affiliate relationships refine strategies and enhance program effectiveness. A well-executed affiliate marketing approach creates a network of advocates, expanding brand influence and contributing to sustained online growth.

Social media marketing is pivotal for e-commerce success. Crafting engaging content, leveraging platforms like Instagram and Facebook, boosts brand visibility and drives conversions. Strategic use of ads, influencer collaborations, and community engagement enhances reach and fosters brand loyalty. Regular analytics scrutiny refines strategies for maximum impact. A dynamic social media approach for e-commerce ensures a strong online presence, connecting with audiences and amplifying the brand’s influence in the competitive digital landscape.

In e-commerce, influencer marketing is a game-changer. Partnering with influencers amplifies brand visibility, leveraging their reach and authenticity. Strategic collaborations on platforms like Instagram and YouTube create a compelling narrative, driving audience engagement and product awareness. Careful selection of influencers aligns with target demographics, enhancing the impact of campaigns. Performance metrics and audience feedback guide ongoing refinements for optimal results. A well-executed influencer marketing strategy in e-commerce not only boosts sales but also cultivates a genuine connection between the brand and its audience, fostering long-term loyalty and trust.

And many more. Everything that applies to online marketing for optimizing a website, increasing reach, and improving rankings also holds true for online shops and, consequently, for e-commerce in general.

Not only has online commerce itself gained significant importance, but also the approach to it has become more professional:

Many companies, retailers, and website operators deploy various online marketing strategies to successfully conduct their digital business processes. As a result, e-commerce is not only becoming increasingly crucial for the success of a business but also faces growing competition.

Main E-Commerce Pain Points

Shopping Cart Abandonment

One of the most common pain points in e-commerce is the high rate of shopping cart abandonment. Many customers add items to their carts but leave the website without completing the purchase. This can be attributed to various factors, such as unexpected shipping costs, a lengthy and complicated checkout process, or concerns about payment security.

Payment Security Concerns

Customers often hesitate to make online purchases due to fears related to payment security. E-commerce platforms must continuously invest in robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information. Addressing and communicating these security measures effectively is crucial in building trust and encouraging users to complete transactions.

Supply Chain Disruptions

E-commerce companies may face challenges related to supply chain disruptions, leading to inventory shortages or delays in order fulfillment. This can result from global events, such as natural disasters, economic crises, or, as witnessed in recent times, pandemics. Managing and mitigating these disruptions is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Product Returns and Refunds

Dealing with product returns and issuing refunds can be a significant pain point for e-commerce businesses. Customers may be dissatisfied with the received product, or there could be issues related to incorrect sizing, damaged goods, or discrepancies between the product description and the actual item. Efficiently managing returns while maintaining profitability and customer satisfaction is a delicate balance.

Competition and Price Wars

The e-commerce landscape is highly competitive, and price wars among competitors can erode profit margins. Finding the right balance between offering competitive prices and maintaining profitability is a constant challenge. Additionally, keeping up with pricing fluctuations in the market and adjusting strategies accordingly is crucial to stay ahead in the fiercely competitive e-commerce environment.
Payment process in an online shop

Where and how does E-commerce take place?

E-commerce involves transactions and business processes for the sale and purchase of goods between the provider and the customer electronically over the Internet.

Whether the purchase of goods is made on a computer, laptop, or smartphone, it doesn’t matter. Additionally, the offering of services through electronic means, such as technical support or online banking, also falls under E-commerce.

The following payment methods or payment systems exist in E-commerce:

  1. Vouchers: Customers either use a gift voucher for payment, or they redeem a promotional discount voucher with the company, which has a significant promotional impact. Vouchers and coupons serve as tools for acquiring new customers.

  2. Direct Debit: In this payment method, the money is debited from the buyer’s account. The buyer gives consent for direct debit during the purchase.

  3. PayPal: PayPal is one of the common payment methods worldwide. Customers can easily pay in your shop with PayPal, and as a company, you pay a small fee for this transaction.

  4. Invoice Purchase: This payment method provides high security for the customer. They pay their invoice to you only after receiving and inspecting the goods. However, companies face a high risk of payment defaults with invoice purchases, and appropriate safeguards should be in place.

  5. Credit Card: Credit cards are frequently used for online payments, and customers can also go beyond their available financial means. The merchant has security in credit card payments since unjustified chargebacks by the customer, unlike direct debit, are not possible.

  6. Instant Bank Transfer: Instant bank transfer is facilitated by a provider named Klarna. The company also offers the integration of purchase on account or installment payments. The online shop receives immediate confirmation of the payment in this process.

  7. Giropay: This option is only available after setting up an account with the customer’s bank. Not all banks offer Giropay.

  8. Amazon Pay: Amazon offers its customers the option to pay at an online shop using the customer’s Amazon account. Transaction costs for the seller are incurred, similar to PayPal.

  9. Advance Payment: If the customer pays in advance, the goods are shipped only upon receipt of payment. This payment method is rarely used by customers.

  10. Cash on Delivery: Payment on delivery occurs when the goods are handed over, either through the postal service or another service provider. However, the package cannot be left with a neighbor; it must be delivered directly to the buyer.

E-Commerce and ECommerce

What types of E-commerce

E-commerce is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It involves various parties interacting in online business. The following are types of E-commerce:

  1. Business to Customer/Consumer Commerce (B2C): This is the classic model where transactions occur between the website operator (online shop) and the end consumer (buyer). B2C commerce includes online shops for clothing or books, often with a physical store behind them.

  2. E-Shopping / Online-Shopping: This is closely related to B2C commerce but excludes services like customer service, online banking, form submission, online mailbox, etc. It is often associated with the consumer’s perspective, emphasizing the shopping experience and customer journey.

  3. Business to Business Commerce (B2B): In this model, transactions occur between the provider and the customer, who uses the products for further processing. This includes, for example, the purchase of materials by a company.

  4. Business to Employee Commerce (B2E): This involves business processes between companies and their employees, such as expense reimbursement for a salesperson traveling from Hamburg to Cologne to sell a company’s products and services.

  5. Consumer to Consumer Commerce (C2C): C2C commerce refers to online trade on platforms like eBay Classifieds. Both online retailers and private individuals offer new or used goods on such platforms, often referred to as Re-Commerce.

  6. Business to Administration Commerce (B2A): This model encompasses both online trade and communication between a company and a government agency, such as tax processing.

  7. Administration to Consumer Commerce (A2C): In contrast to B2A, A2C involves business processes between a government agency and an end consumer, such as a citizen who needs to download forms for tax filing.

  8. Administration to Administration Commerce (A2A): A2A denotes business relationships between government agencies and public institutions, often involving digital transactions.

  9. Me-Commerce: Me-Commerce focuses on the technical personalization and addressing of customers, enhancing customer loyalty by tailoring the shopping experience to individual needs.

  10. Mobile Commerce / M-Commerce: M-Commerce is a subset of E-commerce describing transactions by end consumers with online retailers via mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. For mobile E-commerce, mobile versions of an online shop or even an app must be available.

  11. No-Line Commerce / Seamless Commerce: This model allows customers to seamlessly transition between online and offline shopping. For example, a customer may try on various glasses on a website, choose one, and then deal with any issues either online or by visiting a physical store.

Given the specificity and divergence from traditional commerce in other E-commerce types, this guide will primarily focus on B2C Commerce.

Different Channels

What are the e-commerce channels

E-commerce channels are often categorized as Single, Multi, Cross, or Omnichannel:

  1. Single-channel E-Commerce: Involves only one channel, such as either a physical store or an online shop.

  2. Multichannel E-Commerce: Involves selling through multiple channels, but with a single strategy.

  3. Crosschannel E-Commerce: Allows customers to switch between different distribution channels during the purchasing process in Omnichannel E-Commerce. This means customers can research on a smartphone in the online shop and make a purchase on a laptop.

  4. Omnichannel E-Commerce: Similar to Crosschannel, Omnichannel allows customers to switch between different channels during the purchasing process. This integration is not simultaneous use of two or more channels.

The distinctions mentioned above help businesses understand and navigate the diverse landscape of E-commerce, ensuring they adopt strategies that align with their specific goals and target audience.

E-Commerce distribution

E-Commerce vs. Brick-and-Mortar Retail

When deciding to establish an online business, the question arises whether to create a dedicated webshop or sell products on a marketplace.

A company may opt for an alternative distribution channel and sell through a marketplace such as eBay or Amazon, benefiting from the existing large customer base and enhanced search engine visibility, quickly generating revenue.

However, with this distribution method, a portion of the margin is paid to the marketplace operators for every product sold. Consequently, the online shop’s annual revenue is lower. The marketplace operators also make essential decisions regarding the terms of sale.

A company has more flexibility with its own online shop, but it involves a higher financial and time investment in building the shop. However, no sales fees are paid to third parties, and the company maintains control over the entire process.

It often takes years for an independent online shop to gain substantial traction. The right strategy, supported by search engine optimization, can expedite progress, but even this requires time.

Products, Categories and Retailers

Own Shop vs. Marketplace

At first glance, online commerce conceptually differs little from brick-and-mortar retail: products are offered and sold. Nevertheless, there are some significant distinctions in the distribution channels:

  1. Products are more clearly categorized and easily found through the digital distribution channel, i.e., the online shop, using filtering during searches. This makes the search more specific and precise compared to the physical store, where one must navigate through various departments.

  2. Each product is individually described with precise measurements and other data, a level of detail not required in traditional retail.

  3. The retailer establishes its presence through the design and content of the online shop, whereas physical stores rely on the store’s layout and the behavior of staff.

  4. Goods offered in the online shop must be coordinated by the retailer with the inventory in the warehouse. In retail, logistics are directly tied to the products available in the store.

  5. E-commerce involves expanding reach and other aspects of online marketing. Retail sales are less influenced by online marketing strategies and advertising because customers visiting the store are already present and do not need to be drawn in through online marketing.

This leads to entirely new challenges for business processes in e-commerce that are not comparable to those in traditional retail.

This is particularly true concerning online marketing, whose strategies are indispensable for e-commerce success. Without strategic online marketing, an online shop cannot thrive.

The Customer Journey

Take the Customer on a Journey,
on Your Journey!

eshops optimisation and conversions for eshops products voucher carts

In e-commerce, the Customer Journey plays a crucial role and should be approached with careful consideration.

The Customer Journey describes the path a customer takes on your website. When a user has positive experiences with your shop, they ideally become a repeat customer.

The first step in the Customer Journey is the discovery of your website. Content marketing and search engine marketing play a significant role in this, as appearing higher in search engine rankings increases the likelihood of being found.

However, being found is not enough if the user leaves your shop because they didn’t find what they were looking for. This is where content marketing and the Customer Journey come into play.

If your online shop provides additional information, has clear navigation, and strategically places interactive buttons, the user is more likely to stay on your site because they will likely find what they are looking for. In an online shop, filtering options are also crucial, allowing the user to filter what they want to purchase from you.

Experiment with different scenarios if you are unsure how to place buttons or content. Different payment systems also contribute to a positive customer experience and a pleasant Customer Journey.

Remember: Customers are real humans like you and me, not NPCs (non playable characters). Check out the Human Touch in SEO.

E-Commerce Advantages

What are the Advantages of E-Commerce?

From a customer perspective, the benefits of E-commerce are evident:

  1. Convenience: Products and services can be purchased with just a few clicks from the comfort of the sofa, eliminating the need to travel to a store or service provider. This makes the purchasing process more convenient. Who doesn’t prefer avoiding crowds and long queues?

  2. Greater Selection and Availability: The internet offers an incomparably larger selection than retail stores. Almost everything is available online, especially niche products. Online, items are less likely to be sold out quickly, unlike popular products in physical stores.

  3. 24/7 Sales Process: Unlike brick-and-mortar retail, the online sales process can take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Where the internet is available, customers can shop online at any time.

  4. Filtering Options: Search results can be filtered in detail, making it easy to find the right item and simplifying the purchasing process. Long searches between shelves are unnecessary.

  5. Delivery Convenience: Deliveries are often made directly to the doorstep, and larger, bulky products no longer need to be transported by the customer. The task of carrying the new oversized television becomes the responsibility of the retailer.

  6. Benefits for Businesses and Retailers: The advantages for customers are also beneficial for the sales process and success of businesses and retailers, as they attract more customers to online shops. Furthermore, E-commerce can eliminate the need for expanding to new business and warehouse locations, potentially reducing transaction costs for a company.

  7. Customer Loyalty: An online shop can enhance customer loyalty.

E-Commerce Disadvantages

What are the Disadvantages of E-Commerce?

However, E-commerce also has drawbacks for customers:

  1. Loss of Shopping Experience: The joy of carefree browsing is lost. Clicking through the endless depths of the internet without a fixed plan for just a casual look is not particularly enjoyable. The online retailer cannot offer the classic shopping experience, which clearly emerges as a disadvantage.

  2. More Effort: During the ordering process, the customer can only hope that the goods will be delivered as promised. If a size doesn’t fit, the quality is not as expected, or the goods arrive damaged, a return is necessary, involving a lot of effort. This leaves the customer disappointed and annoyed, especially when the refund is delayed.

  3. Payment Procedures: Payment methods can deter customers if the retailer does not provide enough options. Not every customer has PayPal or wants to use their credit card. If there aren’t enough payment options available, the purchase may be abandoned at the last moment.

  4. Lack of Individual Consultation: Individual consultation by the online retailer is not possible. Consumers only have the content on the website available to them, but many products or services require personal advice from the seller or service provider. Customer loyalty is different in this context.

  5. Delivery Time: Delivery time can be perceived as negative by customers, especially in our fast-paced society. When buying in-store, the customer has the product immediately. Additionally, logistics issues or other problems can cause delays in product delivery, negatively affecting customer satisfaction.

However, these disadvantages for customers cannot fundamentally be avoided by online commerce, as they arise from the basic business processes in E-commerce. Nevertheless, this is not necessarily negative because the goal of E-commerce is not to outdo traditional retail. Customers can decide when online shopping is more convenient for them and when they prefer to visit physical stores. Therefore, it is crucial for online businesses to leverage the advantages through targeted online marketing strategies to reach customers.

An online business should:

  • Offer a wide variety of products with detailed filtering,
  • Maintain sufficient inventory,
  • Provide customers with a pleasant shopping experience,
  • Enable consumers to search and pay easily,
  • Ensure fast and reliable delivery,
  • Offer various payment methods,
  • Reach relevant target audiences through online marketing strategies.

Ultimately, online business and digital processes pay off for every company!

Available Shopsystems

What Shopsystems Are Available?
Make or Buy?

The shopsystem, or shop software, is at the core of e-commerce:

Here, the merchandise management system, product database, customer database, and content converge to present users with the company’s products in an appealing online shop, reach more users, achieve a better ranking, persuade customers to make purchases, and ultimately generate more revenue.

Choosing the right shopsystem is one of the most crucial steps in implementing an online shop. In the German market alone, there are many different systems and software solutions for online business.

Some of the most commonly used shopsystems in Germany include:

  • Shopware
  • Magento
  • Hybris
  • Amazon Webstore
  • OXID eSales
  • Shopify

However, a custom-developed system tailored to the individual requirements of the company, known as Eigenentwicklung, is also very popular among online business operators. The choice of the shopsystem depends on various requirements.

It is helpful to be familiar with the different shopsystems and not simply choose the first one when entering the online business.

When selecting the right shopsystem, you need to ask yourself some questions:

  1. How many products or services do you want to offer in the online shop?
  2. How much budget do you have available for your online business?
  3. How much influence do you want to have on the optimization of the shop?
  4. Is your online business intended to be international, and are corresponding adjustments necessary?

Therefore, it is essential to clarify the prerequisites for developing your online business, as the choice of the suitable shopsystem depends on them.

Make it or Buy – What's Behind It?

This is the first question you should ask yourself as a future operator of an online shop: Should you build it yourself or purchase it?

As you can imagine, building your own online shop requires a significant amount of technical and business knowledge. This approach allows you to make every decision yourself and implement individual customizations.

However, without programming skills, it is much easier to opt for ready-made shop systems or modular systems.

So, the decision of ‘Make it or buy?’ depends on the knowledge and skills available to you or internally within your company for developing an online shop and managing an online business. It also depends on how important individual design and customization options are to you. This decision may also be industry-specific.

System of shops

What Types of Shop Systems Are There?

You should first familiarize yourself with the various types of shop systems to determine which solution is best for you and your company. We will show you the different types of shop systems available.

Rental Shops: Various providers offer the option to rent a shop for a specific monthly fee. Providers include 1&1, Shopware, Jimdo, or Wix. The advantage is the relatively affordable prices of different versions. Since these are often website builders, the shops can be set up easily and without much prior knowledge.

Purchase Shops: In this case, you purchase a complete shop system, with individual design options and prices varying from provider to provider. Purchase shops include XT: Commerce, OXID eSales, e-vendo, or Zeta Producer.

Open-Source Shop Systems: While these shops are free to use, many necessary customizations may still incur costs. The most well-known provider is Magento. Ultimately, each of these variants has its pros and cons. If you do not plan to offer or sell many products or services, have limited knowledge in e-commerce, and want to start quickly and easily with an online shop, a rental shop is the right choice.

The provider takes care of all technical aspects, and you have the option to choose from many designs. However, if you value individual customizations, then you should opt for an open-source shop. Custom development is the most individual solution but requires a lot of know-how or the support of experts or an agency.

E-Commerce Manager Skills

What Skills Does an E-Commerce Manager Need?

What Skills Does an E-Commerce Manager Need?

If you’re delving into the realm of e-commerce, you might soon find yourself as an E-Commerce Manager—whether as an employee in a company responsible for its online shop or as the owner of your own online store.

What tasks can you expect when it comes to managing the online business? An E-Commerce Manager ensures that everything related to the online business functions optimally and that the potential for online trade and a company’s online business is maximally utilized.

Here are some of the tasks of an E-Commerce Manager:

  1. Adapting the online shop for continuous optimization
  2. Introducing new ideas and innovations for improvement
  3. Logistics, shipping, complaint systems, warehouse management
  4. Expanding reach and exploring new markets
  5. Project management
  6. Customer management
  7. Financial management

As you can see, many different activities are involved, bringing various requirements. However, they also offer an exciting and diverse range of responsibilities. If you aim to enter online trade and successfully manage an online shop, you should bring versatile interests and skills to the table.

E-Commerce study
Manager E-Commerce

How to Become an E-Commerce Manager?

The field of e-commerce is exciting and diverse, but acquiring all the necessary knowledge for online business is no easy feat. If you are considering a career in e-commerce or planning to venture into online trade yourself, understanding the prerequisites to become an e-commerce manager is essential. Becoming an e-commerce manager typically requires a relevant degree, preferably in business informatics or business administration with specific focus areas.

However, entering e-commerce management is also possible with a commercial apprenticeship from the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) and relevant further education. Such courses can be helpful, especially if you are a newcomer or transitioning professional exploring the realm of e-commerce.

Staying up-to-date is crucial due to constant changes caused by digitization. Organizations like BEVH provide platforms for active discussions on current topics, trends, and innovations through specialized communities and working groups.

E-Commerce study

Can you study E-Commerce?

Many business and information technology degree programs offer e-commerce as a specialization. E-commerce is also available as a dedicated full-time program. Given that e-commerce studies cover aspects of business, online marketing, and technology, the curriculum spans various topics from business informatics and business administration.

Key areas covered in e-commerce studies include

Technical foundations for implementing an online shop:

  • Programming languages
  • Information technology
  • Database systems
  • Shop systems
  • Software engineering


Business fundamentals for online business:

  • Online marketing
  • Business management
  • Business psychology
  • Trade logistics and commerce
  • Digital business processes
  • Business informatics
  • Consumer behavior

Specific content may vary between universities. E-commerce programs are offered for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with the master’s program delving deeper into bachelor-level subjects.

A bachelor’s degree in a related field is a prerequisite for admission to a master’s program. For working professionals who cannot commit to full-time study, part-time or distance learning options are available.

Where can you study E-Commerce?

The field of e-commerce is exciting and diverse, but acquiring all the necessary knowledge for online business is no easy feat. If you are considering a career in e-commerce or planning to venture into online trade yourself, understanding the prerequisites to become an e-commerce manager is essential. Becoming an e-commerce manager typically requires a relevant degree, preferably in business informatics or business administration with specific focus areas.

However, entering e-commerce management is also possible with a commercial apprenticeship from the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) and relevant further education. Such courses can be helpful, especially if you are a newcomer or transitioning professional exploring the realm of e-commerce. You may start and get a first idea at udemy.

Staying up-to-date is crucial due to constant changes caused by digitization. Organizations like BEVH provide platforms for active discussions on current topics, trends, and innovations through specialized communities and working groups.

Is an E-Commerce degree worth it?

As mentioned earlier, an increasing number of businesses and retailers are adopting digital business processes and online business. Many startups start their operations with online shops. However, developing an online shop requires diverse knowledge that most companies lack internally.

An e-commerce degree equips you with all the necessary skills, from technical aspects to online marketing and business psychology, making you a sought-after expert in e-commerce. This opens up a broad field of opportunities for a career in a rapidly growing sector, offering diverse and engaging tasks. As an expert, you can help companies digitally transform their business, implement an online shop, or advise on online marketing and customer behavior related to e-commerce.

Whether as an employee in an e-commerce management role or as a product manager in marketing, you can leverage your expertise to contribute significantly to a company’s success. While it’s not essential to undergo an entire e-commerce degree to gain crucial knowledge, pursuing such a program is certainly worthwhile if you are interested in the field and envision a career in this dynamic industry.

E-Commerce Conclusion

Conclusion about E-Commerce

E-commerce is becoming increasingly vital in the world of commerce. Venturing into digital business processes is rewarding but requires extensive knowledge in areas such as online marketing, business administration, or informatics. With this overview, you now have a solid foundation to deepen your knowledge, whether you want to assist your employer as an employee, build business relationships, create your own online shop, or embark on a career as an e-commerce manager!

If you own an online shop or are considering starting one, carefully evaluate the points mentioned above. If you decide to establish or already own an online shop, delve into the realms of online marketing and e-commerce to enhance the popularity of your shop.

We Solve E-Commerce Challenges

What can we do for you?

As an e-commerce specialist with our dynamic and forward-thinking strategies for e-commerce companies, our role is to revolutionize your online business presence and optimize every facet of your digital storefront. Leveraging a wealth of expertise in e-commerce strategies, we are committed to enhancing your customer experience, driving sales, and maximizing your online potential. From crafting compelling product descriptions and implementing user-friendly website designs to devising effective marketing campaigns and utilizing data-driven analytics, we are dedicated to elevating your brand in the competitive digital marketplace. By staying abreast of the latest industry trends and employing innovative technologies, we aim to position your e-commerce business at the forefront of online retail, ensuring sustained growth and customer satisfaction. Our tailored solutions are geared towards creating a seamless and engaging online shopping experience, fostering customer loyalty, and ultimately propelling your e-commerce venture to new heights.

Web Development

Websites with programming languages, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JS (JavaScript).


Search Engine Optimization:
Oon-page SEO, Off-page SEO and Technical SEO.


Search Engine Advertising:
Pay Per Click, AdWords, Analytics.

Want To Optimize Your E-Commerce or eShop?

Drop us a line and keep in touch
E-Commerce Optimisation and Conversion for eShop
Management E-Commerce FAQ

FAQ on E-Commerce Management

E-Commerce, short for Electronic Commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It involves online transactions and electronic data exchanges, eliminating the need for physical presence in a traditional brick-and-mortar store.

E-Commerce encompasses various types, including B2C (Business-to-Consumer), B2B (Business-to-Business), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), and C2B (Consumer-to-Business). Each type caters to specific transactional relationships between different entities.

The Customer Journey outlines the path a user takes while interacting with an online store. It includes finding the website, navigating through products, and making a purchase. Optimizing this journey is crucial for retaining customers and turning them into loyal clients.

Customers benefit from E-Commerce through convenience, a vast product selection, 24/7 accessibility, advanced filtering options, doorstep delivery, and increased availability. E-Commerce also provides a comfortable shopping experience, free from crowded stores and long queues.

Disadvantages include the loss of traditional shopping experiences, potential issues with product quality, the complexity of return processes, limited payment options, and the absence of in-person, personalized guidance.

An E-Commerce Manager plays a crucial role in optimizing online business operations. Responsibilities include continuous shop optimization, introducing innovations, overseeing logistics, expanding market reach, project and customer management, and financial oversight.

Common Shopsystems include Miet-Shops (rented shops), Kauf-Shops (purchased shops), and Open-Source-Shopsystems (free to use but may require customization expenses). Popular platforms include Shopware, Magento, Shopify, and OXID eSales.

The decision depends on technical expertise, budget, and customization needs. Creating a customized system may offer more flexibility but requires programming knowledge. Ready-made systems are user-friendly but may have limitations.

Individuals interested in becoming E-Commerce Managers can pursue relevant degrees in Wirtschaftsinformatik or Betriebswirtschaftslehre, gain experience through internships, or opt for a career change with suitable training. Staying updated with industry trends is crucial.

Yes, E-Commerce can be studied through dedicated courses at universities or as a full-time program. Given the growing importance of digital business, a career in E-Commerce is rewarding, offering diverse opportunities in management, marketing, and consultancy.

E-Commerce, a revolutionary paradigm in the retail landscape, has dynamically reshaped the way businesses operate, bringing about unprecedented transformations in consumer behavior and commercial transactions. In this digitized marketplace, businesses leverage online platforms, such as Miet-Shops and Kauf-Shops, to showcase their diverse products, taking advantage of the vast array of Open-Source-Shops available. The continuous evolution of E-Commerce is underscored by cutting-edge technologies, including robust Warenwirtschaftssystem, Produktdatenbank, and innovative Content Management Systems. E-Commerce Managers, armed with expertise in Online Marketing, employ sophisticated strategies to enhance the Customer Journey, ensuring optimal user experiences. This digital revolution extends beyond borders, fostering international trade and opening new markets. The logistics, Versandhandel, and Lagermanagement intricately woven into E-Commerce operations ensure seamless global connectivity. As E-Commerce continues to flourish, businesses prioritize the adaptation of agile E-Commerce systems like Shopware, Magento, and Shopify, guaranteeing a competitive edge in the ever-expanding online marketplace. The E-Commerce ecosystem, with its emphasis on innovation, convenience, and global reach, propels businesses into a future where online transactions and digital engagement form the cornerstone of commercial success.

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